Yoga Services for Recovery

Yoga taught from a body positive, trauma-informed perspective can play an integral role in the recovery and on-going healing from eating disorders and other illnesses. 


  • Increase sense of self-worth

  • Quiet the eating disorder voice 

  • Develop a balanced and healthy approach to exercise

  • Complement traditional forms of treatment and therapy

  • Increase compassion for self and others

  • Develop positive tools to manage stress and anxiety

  • Calm the nervous system

  • Explore being in the body in a safe and supportive manner

  • Cultivate a positive relationship with your body

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:    Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?

A: No!  Classes offered at EBH are all levels, inclusive classes. No prior yoga experience is necessary!

Q:    I have exercise restrictions, will this be an intense workout?

A: No. While some yoga classes focus mainly on the physical aspects of yoga and can be highly competitive, classes at EBH will consists of slow and gentle movements with a variety of options offered to suit your individual needs. This is a safe and supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to move at their own pace making choices that best support where you are in recovery.

Q:    Do I need to wear specific clothes and have my own yoga mat?

A: Mats and props will be provided though you are welcome to bring your own mat if you prefer.  No special “yoga clothing” is required! Just wear comfortable clothing that allows you to relax and move freely.

Q:    Do you offer one-on-one or individual sessions?

A: Yes. Individual lessons are ideal for those looking for a yoga practice that is designed to meet their specific needs, goals and intentions.   Many find that private instruction provides them with an opportunity to safely explore being in their body, to work at their own pace, all while benefiting from one on one instruction and support. 

Individual lessons are typically an hour long and consist of discussion, yoga poses, breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness techniques that will enhance and support your individual recovery goals.  Contact Katie at to discover how individual lessons can help support your healing and recovery journey.