Outpatient Therapy

Edelweiss Behavioral Health is excited to offer outpatient psychotherapy services for individuals in need. Our individual therapists work with a wide range of mental health concerns including eating disorders, trauma, substance abuse, and anxiety/depression and are happy to speak with you to schedule an intake evaluation to start working toward your personal goals. 

What is Outpatient Therapy?

Outpatient therapy is individualized, patient-centered care done in a one-on-one or group setting working directly with a therapist. It is the lowest level of care and is the least intensive of mental health services, typically having clients come in every 1-3 weeks. 

Why Do It?

Therapy is confidential, so you are able to talk about things that you might not normally talk about with an objective and trained third-party.  The purpose is to help you uncover, express and work through difficult experiences, thoughts, feelings and behaviors so as to minimize the impact on your daily life. 

In terms of eating disorders, outpatient treatment is an opportunity to continue to work toward recovery, to work on relapse prevention and body image, as this often is something that can linger and need continued focus. Outside of ED specific treatment, outpatient treatment is important for anyone to work through their daily and life stressors and to have an objective third party to help to support them.

How Do I Get Connected?

Call us today to set up your phone screen at 608-205-4450.